
all the stir. brand iconography has several levels of meaning.


the iconography of stir. consist mostly of phrases.


the phrases and symbols function as guiding principles for the lifestyle.


- the primary symbol is a teaspoon.

  • which represents subtly, classiness, and the concept of ‘stirring.’
  • also it is an absurd symbol to represent high minded philosophies contrasting ideal concepts with an absurd reality.


- stir. itself has 3 layers of definition.

  • stir. is intimately connected to the concept of art.
    • the translation of life through abstracts, metaphors, and symbolism.
    • that your life and the things in it should "stir." something in you. you should see and feel the beauty of life, you should let yourself feel the negative as well but be able to let the negative feelings move through you like seeing a piece of art that upsets or repulses you but you accept it for what it is.
    • also to have an appreciation of arts, trades, skills, and craftsmanship.
  • each individual has one, and only one set, of guidelines or motivating factors which they should live their lives by.
    • they should do that which stirs their soul. that which makes them feel alive.
    • they are responsible to no one, under the subjugation of no power, but that deepest and purest desire within themselves that cries out to be satisfied.
  • all things are created by nature.
    • as such nature places and creates them with an external and internal set of circumstances.
    • these internal and external circumstance create a path, which, when followed creates a life of serendipity.
    • but, serendipity has to many syllables so we call it stir.


stirlife. therefore, by definition is a life where art and artistry take a focal point. each individual is an artist, and their very lives, the way they present and carry themselves, their words and actions, the expression of themselves on a daily basis is a work of art, their ultimate life’s work.


all stir. iconography, words, and phrases are to be done in all lowercase, followed by a period.

- lowercase. 

  • the lowercase letters are to contrast the idea of all uppercase letters.
    • if all caps is considered yelling, loud, or exclamative; then lower case is a refined, subtle, and a statement.
  • the philosophical point in regards to behavior and conduct is to balance boldness with subtly, humility, and refinement.


  • the period symbolically combines the elements of 'no comment.', and lowercase. into a simple symbol that can be used throughout the iconography.
  • it also brings in the idea of having a ‘point,’ this alludes to the infusion of philosophy into ones lives and actions.


- no comment.

  • there are many levels to the concept of no comment.
  • the fundamental concept is that you don't need to explain yourself or actions to anybody. you have a right to be you and live in a way that is true to yourself.
  • it embodies the concept of "speak less, say more."
    • by being more conscious in your speech
    • by letting your actions speak more than your words
  • it also represents the profound concept of silence.

- the mix.
  • is the elements (or ingredients) of a situation.
  •  this includes your thoughts, emotions, the scenery, the people, and the energy.
  • if you don’t vibe with something you simply don’t mix with it.
  • people can stir. different mixes.
  • the only thing truly important a mix is how well it allows you to stir.
  • if you are finding it difficult to stir. then the first thing to consider is changing something in the mix.


- sip.

  • to sip is to enjoy life in the moment.
  • if you sip and don’t enjoy it, then something in the mix is off.
  • the whole process of of stirlife. is mix. stir. sip. repeat.


- the bomb.

  • the lit bomb represents an individual who is 'stirred up.'
  • the inevitable conclusion of a lit bomb is for it to go boom.
    • this represents that the result of being lit or stirred up is action.
  • a particularly active group of people living a stirred life can then be referred to as a "bomb squad."



- nouveau lux.

  • translating to "new luxury," this concept reflects one of the driving forces behind stir. that it is ok to enjoy luxury items and activities, but with that luxury comes a duty to give back to the world so that other may live better and more beautiful lives. this is what we hope to set as a standard for high end brands through leading by example.


- money.

  • in stir. terminology money (or variations such as cash, dollars, bank, etc) is used as a term for 'good' or replacement for 'for sure.' 
    • i.e. "I'm feeling money today" or "See you tonight"-"cash."
  • the reasoning behind this is to make use of the power of affirmative language to dispel negative thoughts and emotions associated with money and instead replace them with a positive perspective.
  • the reality is money is just a symbolic representation of value to be exchanged for goods and services - how money is used can be good or evil but the reality of money is not.



- buggin'

  • the opposite of stirring. is buggin' 
  • this refers to frantically going about life, rather than finding a flow
  • or to people who are attracted to or encourage negativity (or shit - such as having a shitty attitude) 
  • to be clear, people who are buggin' are not "bad people"
    • a person who is buggin' is not being their true self and you should not lay judgement on them personally


- gross.

  • in stir. terminology 'gross.' is the opposite of money
  • gross as a word has many definitions including unacceptable, vulgar, and can be used to refer to overt materialism.
  • this ties into buggin' because bugs are gross.